UAE launches tobacco-free workplace guide

MoHAP’s initiative aims to create healthier work environments and reduce tobacco use

UAE launches tobacco-free workplace guide
Caption: MoHAP rolls out tobacco-free workplace guide
Source: Supplied

Dubai:  The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) in the UAE has introduced a comprehensive tobacco-free workplace guide, a significant step in its ongoing mission to combat smoking and protect public health. This initiative aligns with the Ministry’s broader strategy to improve workplace quality of life and safeguard community members from the hazards of smoking.

The newly launched guide, crafted by MoHAP's National Tobacco Control Program, provides an in-depth overview of measures necessary to establish a tobacco-free workplace. It details the adverse effects of smoking on both individual health and the environment and highlights the benefits of quitting. The guide also offers practical advice for managers and employees on creating a smoke-free environment, handling violations, and supporting employees in their efforts to quit smoking.

The UAE is on track to meet the Global NCD Action Plan 2025, aiming for a substantial reduction in tobacco use prevalence. The country's efforts have been acknowledged in the World Health Organization’s latest global report on tobacco trends, highlighting the significant progress made in recent years.

 Historical context and legislative framework

The UAE has been a regional pioneer in tobacco regulation, starting with Federal Law No. 15 of 2009 on Combating Tobacco, which was followed by stringent executive regulations. These laws ban smoking in enclosed public spaces and restrict tobacco use in various public areas, including government buildings, healthcare and educational institutions, and public transportation. These efforts underscore the country's leading role in tobacco control.

Commitment to WHO standards

HE Dr. Hussain Abdul Rahman Al Rand, Assistant Undersecretary for the Public Health Sector, emphasized the significance of MoHAP’s Tobacco-Free Workplace Guide. "This guide serves as a critical resource for both the government and private sectors to foster a tobacco-free workplace, reflecting the UAE's unwavering commitment to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), which it ratified in 2005," he stated.

Successful reduction in tobacco use

Dr. Al Rand highlighted the UAE’s successful initiatives to combat tobacco use, including monitoring tobacco consumption, protecting the community from exposure, providing cessation services, educating the public, and enforcing advertising bans. He also noted the implementation of an excise tax on tobacco products in 2019, which has contributed to a reduction in tobacco consumption from 11.1% in 2010 to 9.1% in 2018, according to the National Health Survey.

Effective measures for healthier workplaces

MoHAP’s comprehensive approach ensures that the new tobacco-free workplace guide will be instrumental in promoting healthier work environments. By implementing these effective measures, the UAE continues to lead the way in tobacco control, setting a benchmark for other nations to follow.